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by Steamer; from Charleston overland to Columbus via Branchville, Augusta, Atlanta and Opelika. Her expenses were considerably over $50.00. Mrs Barnes came from Boston to N.Y. overland; from N.Y. to Washington overland; from Washington to Aquia Creek by steamer; from Aquia Creek by rail to Richmond; from Richmond to Danville; from Danville to Charlotte; from Charlotte to Columbia; from Columbia to Augusta; from Augusta to Atlanta; from Atlanta to Columbus via Opelika. Her expenses were over $50.00 The teacher that I expect was ordered to come overland via Washington, Alexandria, Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Dalton, Atlanta, & Opelika. I came overland from Boston to N.Y.; from N.Y. by Steamer to Savannah; from Savannah to Columbus via Macon. My expenses were about $50.00 including delay in Sav &c. I was unavoidably delayed. I shall return to carry deaf & dumb girl for whom I have obtained transportation, via Opelika, Atlanta, Dalton, Knoxville, Bristol, Lynchburg, Alexandria &c. Hoping to receive a reply at your earliest convenience I am respct yours.  
J.S. Banfield