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Alice heard through Mary French, that Luella Ellis had buried her husband & Marion Clapp had married. I think Oscar French keeps in touch with them he used to go down to their shore place. Luella still runs that hotel I believe she had two old maid daughters & a son who married, & guess she had a head for business, (hope so anyway).

Mrs Osborne is getting ready to go home to see her folks. she is a good mother & has brought them all up since her husband died, she deserves a lot of credit & shows smartness to a high degree & I hope when her health goes, she may have a good home with some one of them. Flossie is failing & will need her mothers care sometime I am sure. Mrs O brings me something every time she goes home, a cucumber fresh from the vines, & the other day white currants, fine. I hope you are having some of this cool weather. You need not have hurried on sending the yarn, as the nighties are underway now. I have heard from Lena and will send along her letter. the poor thing is lonesome I do believe. I wish she lived near, kind hearted as she can be, but wants to tell people what to do as she sees it, no judgement where her own affairs come in turn. I have been at home all afternoon, but no one came. its cool and nice & bids fair to remain so all night a beautiful sunset. I hope you went to some beach where it was nice & cool.
