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Captain Clark and a Mr Kit Hampton.

I have given orders in several instances that have come to my knowledge for shot guns to be returned to their owners, A paper was shown to me one case of the authority from a citizen so to act from the present Governor of this State, a copy of which document I sent you. If the black people are free I see no right under the Constitution of the United States to deprive them of their fowling pieces any sooner than if the latter were in possession of the white people.

I have yet to have a single instance of misuse of weapons by Freedmen, Indeed where game is so plenty as here and the necessities of life so scarce and high, I consider it flagrant injustice to thus rob the negroes of their guns.

Although not strictly appertaining to the matter of this paper I would state that I have seen little but hostility or sullen indiferance exhibited towards the government or its agents.

In regard to my other duties here I have transacted them without hinderance or delay and think that all matters requiring attention so far are attended to. 
The Bonds required for the Government tax Leased plantations in my District all have been completed.

The greatest case upon my time is now made in compelling strict Justice to be done to Freedmen in the matters of contracts made the past year