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that other crops were. The comparative extent of land in cultivation this year is much larger than last year and the surplus over last year is now being cultivated in Corn, Potatoes, Beans Wheat, Oats and other grains, the necessaries of life The amount of cotton under cultivation is scarcely one third in proportion to the necessaries of life. The attention given to raising cattle and Hogs is good every one is doing all in their power, but on account of the raid Genl Sherman made through here they have been unable to get another fair start with cattle, and with Hogs the cholera has been an impediment and has prevented the progress with them

The crops look very well and if no drawback these will be a good crop this year If we are allowed to recommend, we would respectfully recommend to be sent to this county 500 sacks of corn and about 8000 lbs of Bacon it will require at least that much to relieve the suffering and enable them to get through with their crops If any thing is sent and sent under our supervision we will see that none but the destitute get it All the grain that was raised in this county in 1861 has been consumed by the residents. There is no distilery running now nor has not been since the war

We have been asked to call your attention to the fact that there is a negro man