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Office Board of Registration
Sunflower County Boyds Store
2nd Precinct July 15th 1867

Capt A. A. Preston
As, Ad, Genr,


In answer to your circular of enquiry, dated June 3rd 1867 & signed Alvin C. Gillem Brev. Major Genl, and addressed to the several boards of Registrars I beg leave to reply commencing with 1st Precinct, Minters Landing.

In this precinct there is no destitution among the white citizens, but a good deal among the colored citizens, arising in some instances from natural causes, such as old age with its train of evils, some are afflicted with scrofula, some with total blindness and one a confirmed maniac. These are all in a different state of destitution & require immediate relief, as very few of the whites do any thing more for them than keep them from actual starvation, and even their own race show no sympathy for them. I should like to have