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the marriagerite being performed.

Case in the hands of Dist. Attorney for prosecution at the next term of the County Court.

Office Sub-Ass't. Com'r.
Tupelo Miss. Aug. 24th/67

Freedman Donaldson Whiteside reports that freedman John Littlepage has taken up and is cohabiting with one Sophy Smith without the marriagerite being performed.

Case in the hands of the Dist. Attorney at the next term of County Court.

Office Sub-Asst. Com'r.
Tupelo Miss. Aug. 26th/67

Freedman Larkin Witherspoon complains that J.B. Shaver & W.P. Haley in the Brickmaking business at Tupelo Miss. owes him for labor performed in and about the Brickyard some $128.47. that he cannot get money enough from them to live upon, and that said Shavers & Haley informed him if he quite [[quit]] their employ, they would pay him nothing.