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Monthly Report of complaints made by Freedmen at the office of the Sub. Dist. of Vicksburg Miss during the month of August 1867. by Capt. E E Platt V R C Sub. Asst. Com. Bureau R F & A L for Sub. Dist of Vicksburg

[[left margin]] Aug. 1st [[/left margin]]
Isaac Charleston  Col'd
Complains against Mr Leace Lumberman of V'Burg Witness Joseph Taylor Col. on Oath says he went out in the Skiff with Charleston & helped him land the Raft which was floating down the River with no one on it
John Smith Col. witness states on Oath he saw the Raft landed & Taylor & Charleston were the only two persons on the Raft. Wrote Mr Leace to appear & explain why he refused to pay. He came & equivocated some time but finally told Charleston to come down to the mill & he would pay him the twenty five dollars. which has the amount he claimed. this was all satisfactory to Charleston

[[left margin]] Aug. 2d [[/left margin]]
Ben Scott  Col.
Complains against Virginia Scott his wife. says she left his house some two months since — took some of his money with her. then returned & stayed a few weeks then left a second time
This case has been before Capt Chapman Sub. Asst. Com. some time since who sent a Guard with Virginia to the house to get her things as she claimed they could not live to gether & said Ben refused to let her have her things. Ben complains

Transcription Notes:
Write dates from left margin in a line by itself, as sometimes that date applies to several cases on the page, not just one.