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hired him Envis & Adam in town & agreed to pay them & that last thursday they came in town & had orders on him (Matherson) given by his clerk or partner for the amount that was due them. Matherson laid wait till Saturday. I am expecting money & if it comes I will pay you. I have no money now Wilson then on saturday came to the Bureau & stated him case. I wrote a letter to Matherson & sent it by Wilson. which he refused to receive & ordered Wilson out of his house. he laid the letter on a chair & left.

Adam [[Dection?]] Sworn states Mr Matherson hired him in town to work on his Plantation & agreed to pay him one dollar per day & he worked twenty two days under Abram Washington Col. was never told by Matherson that Washington would pay him Matherson appeared had to send a Guard for him.  he refuse to pay.  Says he did not agree positively to pay.  I have referred this case to the Asst Commissioner who has decided that Mathewsin must pay them one dollar per day additional for every day he keeps them out of their money  I have notified MR Mathewson of this decision of the Asst Commr,