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Aug 12th 
Thos. Smith Col.
Complains that James Furgerson Planter has ordered him off the place yesterday he Smith was hired on the place by Ned. Dawsey Col. who is working a crop on said place.  When Smith was ordered off the place. he told Furgerson. that he was not hired by him. but was hired by Dawsey.  I have advised Smith to return to the place & attend to his own work & if Furgerson molests him by violent means to let me know.  Case dismissed.

Martha Jones Col.
Complains that a Boy named Steve beat & abused her because - she was taking away her husband's child that had run away from her.  I have heard both sides of the question.  have turned the child over to the mother.

Virginia Stewart Col.
Complains that Robt Watts Planter ordered her off the place & called her a Black Bch.  She has been living with J Taylor Col. Called him her husband & on saturday she & John had a fight it was then that Mr Watts ordered Virginia off the place & refused to pay her.  She states she went to work for Mr Watts in January he furnishing Rations. for ten dollars per month

Transcription Notes:
Aug. 12th refers to all the cases - thus putting it first on page. Ned Dawsey is correct. He lived in Mississippi in 1870.