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In many cases the State and County laws are administered very loosely to say the least, there are cases which I shall report of acts of injustice toward the freedmen which could not properly be embodied in this report.

I would suggest that some definite instructions be given covering cases as followed: a person may be indebted to Freedmen for labor performed in 1865 or 1866, he will settle for his labor in 1867 and before an investigation can be had he ships or otherwise disposes of his crop & nothing can be collected.

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Should not the collector of Inter Revenue furnish each Agt with a list of names of those who are shipping cotton daily, with a view of securing to the laborers payment for services rendered.

I am satisfied that all kinds of means will be resorted to this year to defraud the freedman out of his hire.

All of which is respectfully submitted,

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Svt.
Wm. H. Ross
Agt. B.R.F. & A.L.