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Bu. R.F and A.L.
Office Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Jackson Miss. Sept 23d 1867.
H.L.F. Cunningham.
Act Ast Adjt. Gen.
Bu. R.F. & A.L. Vicksburg Miss.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of letter, dated Office Asst Com. for

[[left margin]] Letter transmitted. [[/left margin]]

St Miss. Sept 19th 1867, and in compliance with instructions thereoff I herewith transmit my monthly report (letter form) of the ajurations of this office dismiss the month of August 1867.

[[left margin]] Regarding no of freed people in Sub. District. [[/left margin]]

I have been unable to arrive at the exact number of freed people in this Sub. Dis.

[[left margin]] Conditions of freedpeople, - some better off than others - complaints made about payment for work requires accounts in ll investigations some negros run up bills sufficient to take their savings while others are charged exorbitant prices such bills cut down and settlement made in my presence [[/left margin]]

Their condition varies like every class of people. Some are much better of than others, many complaints are made that they are not paid for their labor. I examine all such calls and require the accounts. in some instances it is clearly proven that the negro has contracted debts sufficient to take his entire incomes while in others a disposition is shown to change