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[[left margin]]posted regarding the many subjects to be reported upon. [[/left margin]]sufficient time to become posted in the many subjects upon which I am required to make reports.

[[left margin]]States that duties as Post & Company Commander prevent his giving his entire time to the duties of the Freedmen's Bureau cannot travel about visiting plantations instructing freedmen etc etc.[[/left margin]]  Having other duties to perform as Post and Company Commander, my whole time and attention cannot be given to the affairs of the Bureau, I cannot (without manifest injury to the Public Service) leave my Post and Company to travel about the Sub. Dis. visiting plantations and instructing the freedmen.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Saml. S. Truman
Capt 5th Cavalry
Bvt Major U.S. Army
Sub. Asst. Com. Bu. R.F. & A.L.