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relieve at once. 
VI. Owing to the fact that School Reports are very irregularly received by me, I am unable in this Report to State whether any New Schools have been started within the past month. those that I have heard from, numbering four, are in a flourishing condition, and prospering finely. [[Footnote 1]]

VII. Marital relations are generally speaking most religiously adhered to, and many who have not been legally married heretofore, have complied with a request to be legally married. [[Footnote 2]]

VIII. In regard to the disposition of the white towards the colored people, they apparently are peaceably disposed - but if a Free person was to commit any petty misdemeanor he, or she, undoubtedly suffers to the fullest extent of what is called Law in this State, see Article 10. [[Footnote 3]]

IX. Comapints, - and Outrages, particularily the former are of very frequent occurence, but there is no redress for petty offences committed by White persons against the Negroes. and even if there were redress but very few Freedpeople have money enough as a general thing to pay the necessary Fees, and Officers hire waut all they can get and dont ful disposed to do anything unless they are paid for it. [[Footnote 4]]

[[Footnote 1]] Schools
[[Footnote 2]] Marriage
[[Footnote 3]] Treatment by Whites
[[Footnote 4]] Complaints