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attributable to unfavorable seasons, and not to want of labor. There are about two thirds of the available lands in this county in cultivation this year. The proportion of cotton to corn is about equal. Very little attention given to raising wheat and oats. Considerable attention given to raising Irish and Sweet potatoes and other vegetables. But few cattle and hogs in the county this year and little attention given to their raising on account of the scarcity of corn. The corn crop in this county is equal to, if not better, than any crop that has been produced since 1859. The colored people are laboring with good spirit and their employees are better satisfied with their work and their manner of doing it, than they have been since the surrender. Many of the planters state that a great majority of the colored people while at work do as well, and in many instances better than when in Slavery. There is great need of Schools and teachers in this County to instruct the colored people to read and write so they may be enabled to mak [[make]] good contracts and may be able to know what their contract requires them to do, and to exact the full performance of it from their employers. I have the honor to be Capt. very respectfully, your obedient servant
John. P. Marshall,
Pres't Board of Registration