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diligent inquiry of freedmen, whether they had registered and if they knew of any that had not, and have informed them that by registering & voting, they incur no additional liabilities as regards taxation or Military Service, and instructed them to inform me of any attempt on the part of the whites to prevent them from registering or voting, also that the Books would be opened again at this place to give all an opportunity to Register that had not done so, due notice would be given them of the time &c For some reason or other the Board of Registration missed Tupelo, but opened the Books again at Saltillo & Verona, two days at each place, 
notwithstanding, Tupelo is the County seat and being within one and a half miles of the Geographical Center of the County, thereby depriving quite a number of freedmen of the opportunity of registering. I cannot imagine why this was done. I have been unable thus far to learn who started the reports with reference to freedmen being liable to military duty &c. by registering their names, or from where the report originated. I should have visited a greater number of Plantations but I have had the chills and Fever all the month and have been unable to do so.

I am very Respectfully &c.
W.A. Eldridge
Bvt. Lt. Col. & Sub. Ass't-Com'r.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-30 17:50:00