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just and sufficient cause especially during the year 1866
[[left margin]] Nature of contracts for the present year [/left margin]]
3 The contracts for the present year are in a majority of cases based upon One third of the Crop raised, the Employed furnishing stock utensils and provisions. In some instances the Employer furnishes stock & implements and advances provisions, and requires one half the crop raised: the laborers repaying the Employer for provisions advanced. In other cases a much less porportion is given the laborer, and in some cases monthly wages are paid, at from ten fifteen dollars per month.
[[left margin]] Number Sick Old Infirm suffering from want [/left margin]]
4 There are at present Very few cases of real destitution the old and inform are provided for, either by their Own relatives or by former Owners, no actual cases of want of suffering are known, or have come to my notice
[[left margin]] Number of Rations Issued and to what class of people[/left margin]]
5 No rations have been Issued by me this month and none are on hand
[[left margin]] Schools their number and condition [/left margin]]
6 There are five schools, their condition is believed to be good, as the summer vacation had began provisions to my arrival and lasted until August 31st 1867 I had no opportunity to gain much information as to their efficiency
[[left margin]] Martial Relation of the freedmen [/left margin]]
7 The Marital relations are far from being satisfactory In many instances they are living as before they were free. There are also many instances where after being legally and lawfully Married they live together but a short time, separate and marry again, or live together without any obligation at all