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Action taken

Mr. Williams is ordered to report at this office by 11 OClk A.M. Aug. 10 67 to attend an investigation of this case

[[left margin]] August 8 67 Stevens & Brooking vs Hamilton [[/left margin]]


Jacob Stevens and Edward Brooking (freedmen) complain that Mr Hamilton orders them to vacate certain Premises occupied by them

Action taken

Mr Hamilton is notified to report at this office to attend an investigation of the case


Settled in favor of (freedmen) Stevens & Brooking

[[left margin]] August 9 67 Hill vs McCon [[/left margin]]


Simon Hill (freedman) complains that John McCon refuses payment for services rendered.

Action taken

Mr McCon is ordered to report to this office


Case postponed until Aug 20 67.

[[left margin]] Augt. 12 67  Bedlington vs Richardson [[/left margin]]


Mary Bedlington complains that Mr Richardson is indebted to her for services rendered

Action taken

Mr Richardson is ordered to report at this office


Case dismissed for want of evidence