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John Carter, c.,}
Jno. N. Harrison.}
Breach of Contract.
Complaint- That Defendant has discharged him from his employ without payment for his labor.
Oct. 8. Letter of Defendant, requesting him to pay Plff., and appointing Oct. 11. for an investigation of the case, should it not be otherwise settled.
No further complaint.

Henry Dix, c.,}
P.J. Briscoe.}
Breach of Contract.
Complaint- That Washington Clark, defendant's manager, discharged him from his employment, without payment for his labor.
Oct. 17. Letter to Defendant, informing him of the complaint, and requesting him to take plaintiff back, or pay him the amount due for his services.
No further complaint.

John Martin, c.,}
George Stiff, c.}
Unlawful detention of Property.
Complaint:- That defendant has seized and carried away a truck, sow, and several chickens, the property of the Plaintiff's brother, left in charge of the Plff., to indemnify Defendant for a pair of ducks stole by Plff's brother.
Oct. 17. Letter to Defendant, informing him that his possession of the property was unlawful, and rendered him liable to a prosecution, and advising him to give it up, plaintiff agreeing to pay for