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Killingsworths account, $95.00
Hinds account, 78.00
Balance due Killingsworth $17.00

All of the above statements where acknowledged by both parties, after deducting Hinds a/c from Killingsworth showing a balance in favor of Killingsworth of $17.00. Hinds got very angry and immediately left the office, have not seen him since. 

Office Sub- Asst Comr
Tupelo Miss. Oct 8th 1867

Freedman Clayborn Danial complains, that himself and family (Nine in Number) entered into a contract with Felix Westmorland residing 2 1/2 miles west of Tupelo to work the present season for one half the crop raised by himself and family. Mr Westmorland agreeing to furnish land, team and farming utensils and provisions for Clayborn and family. Clayborn agreeing to furnish one half the feed for the team, and bear half of the expences of keeping the farming utensils in order, and to pay for the same together with the provisions out of his share of the crop. Since the crop has been gathered he finds he has failed to raise enough for his share to pay for the provisions used by himself and family and his share of the feed for team 

Transcription Notes:
replaced ditto marks with text, as per most recent SI instructions