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to take the offal corn for his part, and not willing to give him but one third of the cotton raised. 
Case referred to John Miller Justice of the Peace for settlement. 

Office Sub Asst. Comr
Tupelo Miss. Oct 23d. 1867.
Freedwoman Francis Shaw complains she worked for Thomas Plager at $5 pr. month, has worked for him one month and nine days, not being satisfied and wishing to quit Mr. Plager refuses to pay her for her work. I saw Mr. Plager informed him that complaint had been made against him by Francis, he promised to pay her which he has since done. 

I certify the above is a true record of the complaints made at this Office during the month of October 1867

W. H. Eldridge
Bvt. Lt. Col + Sub Asst Comr,