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[[left margin]] Number of old & infirm quite large no sickness above the ordinary average. [[/left margin]]

There are a great many old and inform in this Sub. Dis. some sickness prevails but not above the normal average.

[[left margin]] No of rations 266 lbs Bacon 1416 lbs flour. issued on Surg. certificate. [[/left margin]]

No of rations issued, Bacon 266 lbs. Meal 1416 lbs, issued  only to sick and inform on Surgeons certificate.

[[left margin]] One school - doing well - [[/left margin]]

There is but one school reported in this Sub. Dis, it is in a flourishing condition.

[[left margin]] Freedmen above the age of twenty one generally married validity of marriage not known [[/left margin]]

Most of the freedmen above the age of twenty one are married. I am unable to say as regards to the validity of their marriage contracts.

[[left margin]] Complaints of harsh treatment numerable some have good grounds for complaint others none whatever. Some whites treat the negro fairly while others have no confidence in them. [[/left margin]]

Many complaints are made by freedmen of harsh treatment by the whites, in many cases they have good reason to complain while in others their charges are groundless. I believe many of the whites mean to act fairly with the blacks recognizing their rights & privilages, while an other class, and by no means a small