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Woodville Miss
October 31st 1867
Maller George
1st Lieut 24th Inf usa
Sub Asst Commr.
Respectfully transmits report of the condition of the Sub Dist.
1st. No. of freed people in Sub Dist
2nd. Their condition and how paid for work
3d. Nature of contracts for the present year
4th. No. of sick old or infirm suffering from want
5th. No. of rations issued and to what class of people
6th. Schools their number and condition
7th. Marital relations of the freedmen
8th. Disposition of the whites toward the colored people
9th. Complaints and Outrages
10th. State laws; and how administered affecting freedmen
[[SEAL]] Freedmen's Bureau State of Miss Nov 6 1867 Received