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Cases settled by Payment to Freedman of annual

(Left Margin)
October 30th


(Main Body)
James Drummond freedman Complains
that Jim Key Dallas of Lauderdale
Co is indebted to him for Business Rendered

                   Action Taken
Mr. Dallas is Requested to call at
this office and make explanation

Settled by allotment of half the 
Crop to the freedman

(left margin)
10 Black Cases
from administration

(Main Body)
The majority of the cases brought before
this Civil authorities appear to be fairly 
dealt with in this Sub District

In consequence of the [[Bickaress?]] and Absence
of the [[?]] Assist [[?]] there has been
no opportunity afforded to visit plantations in Compliance with Rent Orders No 21
from Offfice Asst Com BKJ and Ash
for Miss
              I am So Very Deeply
               [[?]] of Service
               Andrew Thomas
               Agent B K J authority
                In Charge