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October 12th 1867
[[margin]] Kale [[/margin]] Prince (freedman) states that on the 12th day of Jany 1867 he contracted to work with J[[?]]no K Riley of Newton County for one half of the corn and one third of the cotton. worked until the 18th of March and finding he could not get along, asked to be allowed to leave and was informed he could go and. his work would pay for the provisions he had, had states that Mr Riley now claiming he owes him fifty one (51) dollars. Investigation suspending awaiting the return of Mr Riley

October 13th 1867
[[margin]] Newton [[/margin]] Raford (freedman) complains that R Nichols living seven miles from Lake Station refuses to pay him $32 25/100 for services rendered. Settled by satisfactory adjustments between the parties. 

October 13th 1867 
[[margin]] Newton [[/margin]] Raford (freedman) complains that Mr E. Smith living six miles from Lake Station refuses to pay him $43 for services rendered. Undergoing investigation

October 19th 1867 
[[margin]] Moore [[/margin]] Joseph H. (freedman) complains that C. J. Harrison of Forrest Station refuses to pay him for cutting 282 rail-road ties amounting to $31 66/100. I investigated and the case refferred to Justice of the Peace.