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| balance due him for services rendered Miss O Farrall Chambers & Co from about the 26th day of June 1867 to the 18th day of October 1867 at $12 per month. 
Has received on a/c one Hat $1.50 Two Shirts $2, one for Pants-and sleepwears $3, - $6.50 balance due $7.90  Letters written to Misses O Farrall Chambers & Co and [[?]] by [[?]]. Letter not received by [[?]] Co. jurisdiction of the [[???]] Personal [[?]] by the Sub Asst Comr. Settlement efficted and payment promised. 

Mulchet | October 21th 1867. Charles (freedman) applies for assistance in obtaining custody of his wife who is engaged with Mr Jas. O. Lechard who refuses to allow him (Mulchet) to take his wife away or if she leaves at once payment for services rendered from June 1st 1867. to date refused
Advised to allow the woman to remain in Mr Lechard's employ (if treated properly) until the epedemic ceases in New Orleans. When her services will not there be required, and she can obtain her dues for for services

| W. W. Codif. 
Bvt Major V. R. C. Sub Asst Comr