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Dec. 20. Soloman Phillips vs. Jackson Brown
complained that he had been charged with provisions that should have been furnished to him investigated the complaint and found that Brown was charging him 3/7 of all the provisions furnished Phillips, because he had three that did not work in the crop. I allowed three pounds of meat and one peck of meal each week to the hands that did work, found that Phillips had overdrawn 111 lbs meat, $22.20, which I allowed Brown to charge. ordered Brown to take Phillips cotton. 431 pounds at 10C, $43.10 to pay for the meat, and to pay Phillips the balance, over $22.20.
Dec. 22, Dick Hanson + wife vs. Benj. Wooton
complained that he left Wootons place in Sept. that in settling, his crop was all taken and told he had six dollars to pay. investigated the case and found there was $10.65. due Hanson + wife instead of his being in debt. ordered Wooton to pay that amount to Hanson and wife. 
The State laws are not administered for the benefit of the freedmen, the prejudice of the whites is so strong that it is impossible for the Black to obtain justice where the whites are interested,