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36 Jno. M. DeLoach vs. Nine Freedmen
Complaint - representing that these freedmen were on a deserted plantation, destitute of means of support -  investigated the case and found that the complaint was not founded in truth, as the freedmen were provided with provisions and were making a crop.

37 James Harris Cold vs. Johnson Henry Cold
Complaint of $54.00 house rent. Summoned parties. Harris unable to pay but promised to do so. Case dismissed.

38 Betsey Hutchings Cold vs. Sarah Loutt Cold
Complaint - debt of $5.00 Summoned the parties and settlement made by payment of $2.50.

39 Hamilton Haynes Cold vs. M.A. Lazard.
Complaint for share of crop for 1867. Parties summoned. Case investigated. Nothing due and case dismissed.

40 Charles Noble Cold vs. Geo. Williams.
Complaint. Forcible detion [[detention?]] of three hogs belonging to Charles for an alleged debt. Case investigated and Charles was allowed to recover his hogs.

Transcription Notes:
Jno = abbrev. for John diction? detention?