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Transcription: {SPEAKER name="James Forman"}
The fact is, what makes life worthwhile is the ability and opportunity
to freely express it and exercise it
within the confines of what seems to be right
and helpful for the development of human beings.
I believe it was a historical figure in the early days of
our own government that said, in essence, that
freedom is more important than life itself.
Patrick Henry, who said "give me liberty or give me death".
Many people have died for freedom.
It is something that is very precious, and it must be purchased.
It isn't given to us, we don't actually inherit it.
We have to, even if we come into a climate where it exists before we were born, or before we begin to enjoy it,
to take part in it, we have to defend it.
We have to be constantly working to preserve it, and keep it.
It is so precious until there is always somebody or something
trying to take it away from us.
So it's something that must be purchased.
We've got to work for it,
We- We've got to sometimes fight for it,
and then when we get it, we've got to defend it to- in order to keep it.
It costs very dearly,
It costs tears, it costs blood, it costs life itself.
And no one selfish, no selfish person,
can engage in movements of this type
You certainly have to be an unselfish person,
A person who is not always expecting to enjoy what he is fighting for.