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Transcription: [00:42:46]
Some of you may like to know this song "We Shall Overcome" which we've been singing since the first gathering in Raleigh, has a long history to it, goes back over 100 years.
The old days the hymn verses said, " This world is one great battlefield with forces all arrayed, but with his word a sword of mind I'll overcome someday."
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
The oldtimers still today on the sea island you can hear the old-time people, people who say they've been chewing dry bones and swallowing bitter pills.
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
Talk about pills
They sing this song I'll be alright someday, I'll be like him, and when they hear all these new words come in we are not afraid, hear the way it's sung by all the young people and they come out there to get new lives, they feel like shouting so all over again.
When we first sang it in Raleigh 4 years ago, the tune was sort of watered down, but as the song began to creep down into all Albany and Mississippi it's taken on a lot new twists and turns, new verses.
It's so great to see the new singers and all its new blood. I've, I'm going to let, ask Virginia, why don't you come up here and lead the song, if you just wanted a new singers, they keep turning up every place, everywhere, Amanda come on so girls from -----
We shall overcome, my lord, we shall overcome, we shall overcome, someday.
Deep in my heart, I do believe, oh, we shall overcome someday.
God is on our side.
God is on our side, all is on our side, all is on our side today, oh.
Deep in my heart, I do believe, oh, we shall overcome, someday.
We are not afraid.
We are not afraid, oh lord, we are not afraid, oh goodness, we are not afraid today, oh.
Deep in my heart, I do believe, oh, we shall overcome someday.