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Presenting the 1932 National Air Races

IN 1929 Cleveland convincingly demonstrated its interest and ability to successfully stage the National Air Races. In 1931 it again undertook the task of fostering this unique and titanic enterprise. 

This year Cleveland acts once more as host to the 1932 Air Classic, reflecting the civic aggressiveness of its enterprising public leaders. The success and existence of this project as one of the city's mammoth institutions has been made possible by generous and continued public support. 

This annual air pageant has definitely demonstrated its worth as a dynamic and constructive force in aeronautical development and progress. It has specifically proved itself an asset to the industry.

This year, with participation again of European pilots, the Air Races become outstandingly significant as an International Classic. We welcome this competition which so well expresses the spirit and friendship of our neighbors across the sea.

Likewise, we extend our arms to the Army and Marine Corps whose daily demonstrations of thrilling maneuvers are made possible by the generosity of our own government.

And to the intrepid civilian pilots, who have assembled here from all corners of the country, we extend our welcome and utmost appreciation.

Cleveland has evidenced its desire to encourage aeronautical progress and advance the city as an air center. To all those who have made these annual races possible, we extend our thanks.

The Races are on. We hope you enjoy every minute of each daily performance.

L. W. Greve