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Executive Officers and Board of Directors Sponsoring the NATIONAL AIR RACES 
L. W. Greve, President 
R. B. Robinette, Vice President
Alva Bradley, Treasurer
Parker Hill, Secretary
W. J. Austin
Fred H. Caley
L. W. Greve
W. T. Holliday
Jay Iglauer
E. G. Thompson
Alva Bradley
Edward L. Cheyney
Parker Hill
J. A. House
R. B. Robinette 
E. E. Allyne, 1672 Union Trust Bldg.
Clifford Gildersleeve, Husdon, Ohio
Hiram S. Rivitz, President, Industrial Rayon Corp.
W. J. Austin, President The Austin Co.
L. W. Greve, President, The Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co.
R.B. Robinette, Vice President-Treasurer, Tropical Paint and Oil Co.
Charles F. Barndt, {resident, Great Lakes Aircraft Corp. 
E. H. Gustafson, General Commercial Manager, The Ohio Bell Telephone Co.
Henry G. Schaefer, Vice President, The Gustav Schaefer Co.
N. H. Boynton, Incandescent Lamp Dept. of General Electric Co. Alva Bradley 1276 West Third Street
Parker Hill, Assistant Secretary, The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce
R. J. Schmunk, President, The R. J. Schmunk Co.
Harvey H. Brown, Jr., Harvey H. Brown & Co.
W.T. Holliday, President, The Standard Oil Company
Allard Smith, Executive Vice President, The Union Trust Company
Herbert Buckman, Manager, Cleveland Automobile Manufacturers & Dealers Association
J. A. House, President, The Guardian Trust Company.
Dr. S. B. Smith, President-General Manager, Smith Incubator Co.
Fred H. Caley, Secretary, The Cleveland Automobile Club
Jay Iglauer, Vice President-Treasurer, The Halle Bros. Co.
Dean M. Solenberger, President, Simplex Piston Ring Co.
Edward L. Cheyney, District Manager, Aluminium Company of America
Charles H. Kellstadt, Sears, Roebuck & Co.
C. E. Sullivan, Chairman of Board, Central United National Bank
P. W. Close, Division Manager, The Standard Oil Co.
Floyd J. Logan, President, The Floyd J. Logan Aviation Co.
Charles E. Thompson, President, Thompson Products, Inc.
G. W. Codrington, President-General Manager, Winton Engine Corporation
G. G. Marshall, Vice President-Secretary, Marshall Drug Co.
E. G. Thompson, Chairman of Board, Transamerican Airlines, Inc.
George S. Cole, General Manager, The Leece-Neville Co.
George D. McGwinn, President, The Cleveland Railroad Co.
M. J. Van Sweringen, 3200 Terminal Tower
E. G. Crawford, Secretary, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.
George H. Miller, Secretary-Treasurer, Musterole Co.
G. G. Wade, President-Treasurer, Wade Realty Co.
I. F. Freiberger, Vice President, The Cleveland Trust Co.
Herman R. Neff, President, The George S. Rider Co.
W. King White, President-Treasurer, The Cleveland Tractor Co.
Alfred Fritzche, Vice President, Grinnell, Inc.
John H. O'Brien, Trustee, Estate of David Shaw
George Gordan Yule, Fidelity Investment Association
Clifford W. Henderson, Managing Director
Phillip T. Henderson, Assistant Manager
E. W. "Pop" Cleveland, Contest Chairman
Wm. F. Young, Contest Secretary
Luella V. Daniels, Executive Secretary
W.L. Osmun, Model Activities Director
Herbert E. Prentke, Advertising Director and Editor Air Race Program
K. A. Neeson, Executive Secretary
Mark C. Emsley, Cachet Director
Humphrey & Prentke, Inc., Advertising Counsellors
Ann Carpel, Executive Secretary
Joe Lorz, Gate Personnel
James H. Lanyon, Publicity Director
J. Robert Merrill, Publicity
Wilbur Grimm, Promotion Dept.
Bruno-Blythe & Associates, Public Relations Counsel, New York
J. P. Wines, Publicity
Frankie Holah, Receptionist
S. S. Dickey, Special Events Director
Bert Stoll, Publicity
Glada Nelson, Secretary
H. B. Lawyer, Ticket Sales Director
J. T. Nevill, Publicity
Ann Sullivan, Secretary 
Orville A. Kuster, Promotion Director
John Boesel, Field Superintendent
Dorothy Connors, Secretary
Robert W. Kenworthy, Director of Transportation
Walter Loeww, Out-of-town Representative 
Kathleen A. Kilfoyle, Secretary
Earl M. Harvey, Out-of-town Representative
Dorothy Connors, Secretary
Lester Kleinberg, Assistant Engineer
Helen A. Tener, Secretary
Capt. J. P. Inglefield, Credential Dept. 
James Lanyon, Jr., Mailing Dept,
Ney Underwood, Mailing Dept. 
P. W. Close, Chairman, Div. Mgr. Standard Oil Company of Ohio
Clifford Gildersleeve, Vice Chairman (res.) Hudson, Ohio
Wilbert J. Austin, President, The Austin Company
Lieut. Charles Backes, Instructor, 37th Division Aviation, Ohio National Guard
Charles F. Barndt, President-Gen. Mgr., Great Lakes Aircraft Corp.
T. F. Barrett, Vice Pres., The Cleveland Brass Manufacturing Co.
Edward L. Cheyney, District Manager, Aluminum Company of America
J. F. Connelly, Vice Pres., The Champion Machine & Forging Co.
Warren Cox, Vice President, Midland Radio Co.
David K. Ford, Ford & Kiefer, Attorneys
George T. Francis, Jr., Russell, Berg & Cummings, Securities
H. E. Hedges, President, Madison Square Realty Co.
Clifford W. Henderson, Managing Director, National Air Races of Cleveland, Inc.
Harvey J. Humphrey, Asst. Treas., The Humphrey Co.
A. C. Johnson, Engineering Dept., Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
Floyd J. Logan, President, Floyd J. Logan Aviation Co.
D. Martignone, Sales Engineer, General Electric Co.
Heaton Pennington, Jr., Heaton Pennington & Son
Walter S. Ross, Attorney
S. R. Sague, Treasurer, The J. B. Savage Co.
Dr. S. B. Smith, President-Gen. Mgr., Smith Incubator Co.
Dean M. Solenberger, President, Simplex Piston Ring Co.
E. G. Thompson, Vice President, Thompson Products, Inc.
W. S. Warner, Supt. American Railway Express Co.
Byron E. Whipple, Dist. Mgr., Union Metal Mfg. Co.
Dr. Herbert B. Wright, Physician

P. W. Close, President, Div. Mgr., Standard Oil Co.
Clifford Gildersleeve, Vice President, Hudson Ohio
Parker Hill, Secretary-Treasurer, Asst. Sec., The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce
W. J. Austin, President, The Austin Co. 
Major John Berry, Superintendent, Cleveland Airport.
Frederick C. Crawford, Gen. Mgr., Thompson Products, Inc.
L. W. Greve, President, The Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co.
Jay Iglauer, Vice President-Treas., The Halle Bros. Co.
Joseph F. Martin, Cleveland Mgr., Pennsylvania Air Lines
R. B. Robinette, Vice President-Treas., The Tropical Paint & Oil Co.