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Aerol Trophy Race

Event No. 22
Total Purse $5000.00 and Aerol Trophy donated by 
The Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., Cleveland, Ohio.

(1) Open to any type airplane powered with any type of engine or engines. Superchargers, special fuels, or any other means may be used to increase speed of planes entered in this race.
(2) Entrants must have had 150 hours to be eligible to compete.
(3) Qualifying speed 175 miles per hour. Contestants must compete and qualify in 3-kilometer Straightaway 
Speed Dash Event No. 29 in order to be eligible for this event. Suitable cash awards and trophies will be given to first five place winners in Qualifying Speed Dash Event.
(4) Eight laps of ten mile course.
(5) First prize-$2,250.00 and plaque; second prize- $1,250.00 and plaque; third prize-$750.00 and plaque; fourth prize-$500.00; fifth prize-$250.00.

Amelia Earhart Trophy Race

Event No. 23
Women Pilots Only
For C. or N.C. Department of Commerce Licensed Planes

(1) Open to any Light Training Airplane powered with an engine having not more than 685 cubic inch piston displacement and carrying Department of Commerce Commercial License.
(2) Six laps of a three and one-half mile course

(3) First Prize-George Palmer Putnam Cup and 1932 Essex Terraplane Automobile.

Second Prize-Mrs. Jack Stearns Gray Trophy. 

Third Prize-Trophy
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Event No. 24
For Men and Women Pilots
Total Purse $1000.00 ($100.00 Per Day)
Sweepstake Award-Martha Johnson Morehouse Trophy

(1) Dead stick landing competition will be continued throughout each day of the Races, and the Martha John-son-Morehouse Trophy will be awarded as a sweepstake prize to the high winner of the races.

(2) Prize Money-first prize-45% $45.00; second prize-25% $25.00; third prize-15% $15.00; fourth prize-10% $10.00; fifth prize-5% $5.00.

Event No. 25
Total Purse $1500.00 ($150.00 per day)

(1) Each contestant will be required to jump from a minimum of 2,000 ft. landing as near as possible to a pre-determined point marked on the Airport. 
(2) This contest is open to all experienced jumpers. Each jumper must furnish his own airplane and parachute.
(3) All parachutes must have an inspection ticket dated within thirty days of the start of the 1932 National Air Races. An air service or National Guard Inspection ticket for the service of Guard jumpers and a factory inspection ticket for the civilian jumpers. All parachutes used must be approved by the Department of Commerce and the conditions as set forth in the Department of Commerce Regulations for Exhibition Parachute Jumping must be complied with.
(4) Contestants will be disqualified for pulling second chute, only in the case of an emergency.
(5) No two parachute jumpers will be allowed to use the same chute on the same day.
(6) Three-place bi-planes will only be permitted to carry one jumper at a time. 
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(7) Prize Money-first prize-45% $67.50; second prize-25% $37.50; third prize-15% $22.50; fourth prize-10% $15.00; fifth prize-5% $7.50.

Event No. 26
Cash Awards

(1) Contestants will be required to fly over an oval course with the long side of the oval toward the grandstand where five hurdles of suitable height will be placed, of material which will in no way be detrimental to the machines in the event of a collision with same. These hurdles will be spaced 150 ft. apart and a complete stop will be required in this competition and take off in each case, without touching or damaging the hurdles on either side.
(2) Five laps will be required-autogyros will circle the home pylon in each case and come in for a landing bringing the planes to a complete stop each time. 
(3) The winner will be the first pilot to complete the five laps. 

Event No. 27
Cash Awards

(1) Contestants will be required to fly over an oval course which will be around the home pylon, with as many flags as there are autogiros in the race, and pick up these flags at various points which will be set close to the rim of the oval. Contestants must make a complete stop-get out and pick up a flag, then continue on to the next set of flags, choosing one from the position assigned to the contestant at the start.
(2) "Race Horse" start will be used for this event. 
(3) The winners will be declared in order of their arrival at the finish line.