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A Century of Progress
In Aviation

The announcement of A Century of Progress and its dedication to the celebration of progress of man achieved through science, had hardly been made when the achievements of modern man in his conquest of the air proclaimed to the world a new era of advancement. The successive records of spectacular speed made month by month by leather armored knights of the air fill the beholder with amazement and open to the world the prospect of continuing progress. The classic Round Table of King Arthur boasted no nobler group of adventurous spirits than those whose courage and daring and outstanding achievements have made as household words, the names of Balbo, Post, Mattern, Codos and Rossi, Stephen and Darius, James and Amy Mollison, Settle, and many more

The International Air Races and the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race as the official competitive aeronautical event of A Century of Progress serves a dual purpose. It is an exhibition of man's progress in the air since the time, one hundred and fifty years ago, when Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier made the first flight in a hydrogen filled balloon, and in illustrating improvements which are almost monthly being brought into use, it points the way to further progress in aviation in the century to come.

Rufus C Dawes