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etc., purchased at Los Angeles by contesting or visiting pilots, etc.
(3) The National Air Races assumes no responsibility or liability in a case of accident or damage to any participating pilot, mechanic, official, employe, or aircraft.

(1) Method of starting—If "Race Horse Start" proves practical, it will be continued throughout the entire series of Closed Course Events.
(a) Planes entered in any Closed Course Event will be lined up on the starting line, with engines idling, from left to right, in order of receipt of entries. At at given signal, all planes will take off together.
(b) In taking off in the "Race Horse" start, no plane shall cut in front of another until a safe distance has been gained. Any planes passing another plane must keep at least 150 feet to the right, or 50 feet above the plane being overtaken.
(2) All pylon turns must be made to the left and outside of the pylon.
(3) A plane overtaken must hold its true course in order that it may not in any way impede or interfere with a faster, overtaking ship.
(4) A plane overtaking a slower plane shall never attempt to pass between that plane and the pylon.
(5) After crossing the finish line, all planes shall continue on their course until they have attained an altitude of 1,000 ft., then they may turn and return to the  airport and land in that part of the field assigned for landing and in so doing shall not cross the course of the finish line.
(6) Pilots shall pass all turning points in plain view of the observing officials, stationed at each turning point, and at an altitude of not over 500 ft.
(7) A race in progress may be cancelled or declared finished by the referee by raising the red cancellation flag at the top of the home pylon. If a race is sixty per cent or more completed when the cancellation signal flag is raised the race is finished, and the prize money will be awarded on a basis of the position of the contestants at that time. If the race is less than sixty per cent completed the race will be declared cancelled and run over at a later date. Responsibility for seeing the cancellation flag rests with the contestants.
FOULING MARK—Any competitor who has failed to turn a pylon properly may validly continue on the circuit provided he makes a complete turn of the said pylon and then continues his course in the proper direction, otherwise he is automatically disqualified from that event.

(1) The finish of all Closed Course Events will be made by passing over the finish line in front of and at right angles to the grandstand, after completing the required number of laps allowed in the Closed Course of other prescribed course.

(1) The winner of first place, in any event, where speed is the determining factor, shall be the pilot who has completed a full course in the shortest elapsed time, and of second place, the second best time, etc., provided the pilot is not disqualified.
The National Contest Committee reserves the right to interpret these Rules and Regulations and make any changes they deem necessary.

General Rules and Regulations Governing Parachute Jumping Contest
(1) Each contestant will be required to jump from a minimum of 2,000 feet, landing as near as possible to a predetermined point marked on the Airport.
(2) This contest is open to all experienced jumpers. Each jumper mysh furnish his own airplane and parachute.
(3) All parachutes must have an inspection ticket dated within thirty days of the start of the 1933 National Air Races. An Air Service or National Guard Inspection ticket for the service of Guard Jumpers and a factory inspection ticket for the civilian jumpers. All parachutes used must be approved by the Department of Commerce and the conditions as set forth in the Department of Commerce Regulations for Exhibition Parachute Jumping must be complied with.
(4) Contestants will be disqualified for pulling second chute except in case of an emergency.
(5) No two parachute jumpers will be allowed to use the same chute on the same day.
(6) Three-place bi-planes will be permitted to carry only one jumper at a time.
(7) Points will be awarded for the sweepstake purse in the following manner: Jumper winning first place in the parachute event each day will receive five (5) points; second place four (4) points; third place three (3) points; fourth place two (2) points; fifth place one (1) point.
Note: Consideration is being given by the management to the staging of a group jump as a closing event each day, and if this is made a part of the program the required number of jumpers for this event will be picked from the contestants.

Transcontinental Speed Dash
Free-for-All—Men and Women Pilots
Total Purse $10,000 and Vincent Bendix Trophy
Note: $9,000 will be awarded to the winners of the first five places on a division of prize money as shown below under Number 5. $1,000 will be awarded to the winner of this event if he establishes a new East-West Transcontinental record.
(1) The Bendix Trophy Race will start from a New York airport (to be named later), and offers free-for-all competition for all types of airplanes, effecting either non-stop flight or refuel landings, at the pilot's option. The shortest elapsed time from the starting point to the finish at Los Angeles Municipal Airport will be the method of declaring the winner.
(2) The date and time of the start will be determined by the Contest Committee, in order that the planes may arrive at Los Angeles Municipal Airport on or before 6 P.M., Pacific Coast time, the same day in order to be eligible.
(3) Weather permitting, the start will be made so as to bring the planes in on the opening day of the 1933 National Air Races, July 1st.
(4) The finish of the Bendix Trophy Race will be made by passing over the finish line in front of and at right angles to the grandstand.
(5) Prize money—1st Place—45%—Gold replica Bendix Trophy. 2nd Place—25%—Silver replica Bendix Trophy. 3rd Place—15%—Bronze replica Bendix Trophy. 4th Place—10%. 5th Place—5%.