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Daily Program of Events

Events of necessity may not be run off in the order listed. Listen for Announcements.
All Ohio Day--Navy Day--"Q B" Day
Announcers: Jack Story, Chief.  Bernard Capehart, Assistant.  Ted Winters, Assistant.  Lt. Chourre, for Navy and Marines.  Lt. A. W. Shepherd, for Army.  Sgt. W.C. McDonald, for Army Trio.

{{Left column}}

8:00 A. M to 11:00 A. M. Qualifying Speed Trials.
1:00 P.M to 1:15 P.M. Event No. 8. Race for ships with 200 cu. in. motors--Dis-tance--fifteen miles--three laps of a five-mile course.
PLACE         PILOT         PLANE           TIME
1:15 P.M. Parachute Jumping Contest.
1:35 P.M. Capt. Al Williams in the Gulf Hawk in Aerobatics.  Sponsored by the Gulf Refining Co.
1:42 P.M. Aviation on Parade.--"A Quarter Century of Aviation Progress."
2:00 P.M. Opening Cerrmony.
"Blue Flash" by Milo Burcham, World's Champion Up-side-down Flier.--Sponsored by the Pochantas Oil Corporation.
2:10 P.M. Old type Pusher doing Modern Acrobatics, with Clarence McArthur.
2:15 P.M. Acrobatic Ford with Harold Johnson.
2:25 P.M. Event No. 11. Race for ships with 1,000 cu. in. motors.--Distance--fifty miles ten laps over a five-mile course.
PLACE             PILOT             PLANE             TIME
1st ______________________________________________________
2nd ______________________________________________________
3rd ______________________________________________________
2:45 P.M. First Pursuit Group, U.S. Army Air Corps from Selfridge Field, led by Capt. Tourtellot, in Tactical Maneu-vers.
3:10 P.M. Ten Thousand Foot Delayed Para-chute Race, by Clem Sohm and Wayne Wagner.
3:20 P.M Crazy Flying by Flight Commander R.L.R. Atcherly, of the Royal Flying Corps.  Capt. Al Williams at the mi-crophone. Sponsored by the Gulf Refining Co.
3:30 P.M The Men on the Flying Trapeze, by U.S. Army Air Corps trio from Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Alabama: Capt. C.L. Chenault, Lt. J.H. Williamson, Lt. Heyward D. Hansell

{{Right Column}}
4:00 P.M. Precision Flying, by Milo Burcham in "Blue Flash.--Sponsored by the Pocahontas Oil Corp.
4:10 P. M. Fleet Marine Corps, U.S. Marines from Quantico, Va., led by Col. Ross E. Rowell, Demonstrating War-Time Maneuvers.
4:40 P.M. Gerd Achgelis, International Acrobatic Ace. Capt. Al Williams at the microphone.  Sponsored by the Gulf Refining Co.
4:50 P.M. Sohio Acrobatic Duo with Smoke. Art Davis and Roy Hunt.--Sponsored by The Standard Oil Company of Ohio.
5:05 P.M. V. F. Squadron Six B, U.S. Naval Air Service, from U.S.S. Carrier Saratoga, led by Lt. Cmdr. R. A. Ofstie, in Tactical Maneuvers.
5:30 P.M. Louis William Greve Trophy Race for ships with 550 cu. in. motors--Distance--fifty miles--ten laps of a five-mile course.
PLACE              PILOT              PLANE            TIME
2nd ________________________________________________________
3rd ________________________________________________________
5:50 P.M.  Shell Twins, "Mike" and "Ike," Benny Howard Racers__Pilots: Harold Neuman and Roy hunt.--Sponsored by Shell Petroleum Corporation.
6:00 P.M Mass Parachute Jumps
During this period you will have time to leave the stands for diner at any of the moderately-prices restaurants
7:30 P.M. Drawing of prizes in Official Program Prize Contest. (Refer to last page of this Program.)
7:50 P.M. Aerobatic Glider with Charles Abel.--Sponsored by the Burgess Battery Company.
8:00 P.M. U.S. Naval Air Service in Night Maneuvers.
8:15 P.M. Old Model Auto Race and Fashion Contest.
8:45 P.M. Double-drop Illuminated Parachute Jump, by Joe Sirl.
9:00 P.M. Pyrotechnic Spectacle.
9:30 P.M. Comet Plane by "Tot" Dryer. Grand Finale
Night Show Sponsored by The Standard Oil Com-pany of Ohio.
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Official Program