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A Quarter Century of Progress

When Glenn H. Curtiss won the International Cup Race in Rheims, France, twenty-five years ago, his pusher was equipped of Goodrich airplane tires. 
During the quarter century of aviation progress since that first international air meet in 1909, The B.F. Goodrich Company has continued producing rubber products for aeronautical uses. 
The first tire designed expressly for aircraft applications was manufactured by Goodrich and today, Goodrich Airplane tires, companions to the famous Safety Silvertown passenger car tire, cushion the landings and takeoffs of America's transport planes and the aircraft of the Army and Navy. 

The original Goodrich Airplane Tire...

In 1909 Goodrich said: "Our Aeroplane tire is constructed to meet the unique demands of aviation."
Goodrich makes the same statement today, founded on twenty-five years of service to aviation. Goodrich is proud of its part on the history of modern transportation. 

The New Goodrich Safety Silvertown Airplane Tire

The B.F. Goodrich Company 
Makers of the famous Goodrich Safety Silvertown with Life-Saver Golden Ply

Transcription Notes:
Ad for Goodrich company