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6. Any airplane which is found to have violated the rules governing A.T.C. contests will be subject to permanent disqualification.

D - Pilot Eligibility

1. Pilots must be licensed by the Department of Commerce and hold the F.A.I Certificate and Annual Sporting License issued by the Contest Board of the National Aeronautic Association, Dupont Circle, Washington, D. C.

2. Pilots entered in the free-for-all closed course events must hold the Annual Sporting License for Professional Racing Pilots.

3. Pilots not holding the F.A.I. Certificate and Annual Sporting License must procure these from the National Aeronautic Association, Dupont Circle, Washington, D. C. before submitting their entry.

4. To be eligible to participate in the closed course events each pilot must:
(a) Have the equivalent of transport pilot time (minimum of 200 hours);
(b) Answer properly in writing questions on racing rules;
(c) Furnish satisfactory proof that he has participated in at least five closed course races.

5. In exceptional cases pilots may be accepted upon the recommendation of the Professional Racing Pilots Chapter of the N.A.A.

6. Pilots have entered in free-for-all races must furnish satisfactory proof that they have flown high-speed racing airplanes or their equivalent.

7. Each woman pilot entered in a closed course event must furnish satisfactory proof that she has had at least 25 hours on the plane to be flown in the event or its equivalent.

8. Each pilot entered in the C-licensed contents must furnish satisfactory proof that he has had at least 25 hours on the plane to be flown in the event or its equivalent.

9. Pilots must fly alone in all closed course events and it is required by the Air Race Committee that they wear parachutes.

10. The Contest Directors reserve the right to require any pilot to prove he is qualified to fly the ship he has entered for participation in the closed course events. 

11. If so requested by the Contest Directors, pilots will be required to pass an examination for physical fitness before taking part in any racing event. 

12. Entrants (plane owners) not holding an N.A.A. Sporting License for their craft should procure this from the National Aeronautic Association, Dupont Circle, Washington, D.C. before submitting entry. In case the pilot is the entrant, his pilot Sporting License will suffice both for himself and his airplane except that he must file with the N.A.A. a plane owner's registration form which will be supplied upon request. An insert for the pilot's Sporting License will then be supplied indicating sports registration of his plane.