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Daily Program of Events

Events of necessity may not be run off in the order listed. Listen for Announcements. 


Los Angeles City and County Day - Chamber of Commerce Day - Navy and Marine Day

8:00 A.M. Qualifying Speed Dash.

12:00 Noon The Texaco Fire Chief Band, sponsored by The Texas Company.

12:30 P.M. Parachute Jumping Contest.

1:00 P.M. Pageant of Aeronautical Progress.

1:25 P.M. Beechcraft Trickster.

1:30 P.M. Opening Ceremonial.

1:35 P.M. Daylight Firework Display.

1:40 P.M. Hollywood Stunt Flyers - Acrobatic Trio with Smoke - Paul Mantz, Frank Clark, Easton Noble

1:55 P.M. Captain Alexandro Papana from Roumania, International Acrobatic Ace, sponsored by Gilmore Oil Company.

2:05 P.M. 17th Attack Group, U. S. Army Air Corps, from March Field, under command of Lt.-Col. Carlyle Wash, in Tactical Maneuvers.

2:30 P.M. Michel Detroyat, International Acrobatic Ace, sponsored by Gilmore Oil Company.

2:40 P.M. Event No. 3. AMELIA EARHART TROPHY RACE, WOMEN'S A. T. C. HANDICAP. Race for ships with 800 cu. in. motors, maximum speed 175 miles per hour. Distance 25 miles - 5 laps over the 5-mile course. Total purse, $1,500.00.
2nd Place...............
3rd Place...............

3:00 P.M. Don Stevens and Frank Wolcott, Hollywood Stunt Men, changing from a Motorcycle to a Glider.

3:10 P.M. Fleet Marine Corps, U. S. Marines from Naval Air Station, San Diego, under command of Capt. T. J. Cushman, in Wartime Maneuvers.

3:35 P.M. Tri-Motor Ford in Acrobatics, flown by Harold Johnson.

3:45 P.M. U. S. Army Air Corps Sextette from Barksdale Field, Louisiana, under command of Captain C. O. Pearcy.

4:00 P.M. Event No. 4. SHELL TROPHY RACE. Free-for-all for ship with 375 cu. in. motors, distance 100 miles - 20 laps over the 5-mile course. Total purse, $6,000.00.
2nd Place.............
3rd Place.............

4:40 P.M. Milo Burcham, World Champion Inverted Flight Pilot, sponsored by the Chevrolet Motor Company.

4:50 P.M. United States Naval Air Force from Naval Air Station, San Diego, under command of Lt.-Comdr. C. D. Glover, in Combat Maneuvers.

5:15 P.M. Transport Aviation on Parade.
First National Air Race demonstration of the safety of air transport flying. See and hear how field managers and pilots handle the operation of large transport planes. Sponsored jointly by leading transport companies and the Standard Oil Company of California.

5:25 P.M. 10,000-Foot Delayed Parachute Jump by Fay Lucille Cox, World's Champion Woman Delayed Parachute Jumper.

5:35 P.M. Novelty flying by Captain Dick Granere, Canadian World War Ace. Skywriting by Joe Jacobson. Sponsored by the Chevrolet Motor Company.

5:45 P.M. Gerd Achgelis, International Acrobatic Ace, sponsored by Gilmore Oil Company.

5:55 P.M. EVERYMAN Mass Parachute Jumping Contest dedicated to the civic production, "Everyman."

Finale - Music by Texaco Fire Chief Band.

Military and Naval Ball - Biltmore Hotel. Sponsored by all Military and Naval Reserve organizations of Los Angeles.

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