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by bettie lynn
The sophisticated glamour you expected to find in Hollywood... the bustle and ado of big-time travel... cuisine that must please the exacting who travel by air... yet a soul-satisfying restful ness withal that is the Sky Room Cafe at the Union Air Terminal. 
Patio... colorful umbrellas of the Lido... soft green carpet of grass... out where you watch those giant “Skyliners” gracefully rising like swallows taking off everywhere ... maybe you’re tired and world-weary, but they still sort of get you... evenings with the sun shining behind the mountains, you’ll feel as I did, that “all’s right with the world.”
Cocktail room... cool... quiet... deep, comfortable lounges that tempt you to linger... Manuel, from the “Brown Derby,”... Eddie, from the “Troy,” prepared for come what may... Travelers may ask for a drink they mix in Timbuctoo... mixtures blended gently and understandingly, with a dash of individuality and a jigger of inspiration. 
Coffee Shop... where you are elbow-to-elbow with the famous, lunching or dining in haste... Senator McAdoo, clutching a brief case, quick lunching before taking off... Sally Rand breakfasting on “Pep” before flying East... Eddie Lowe fortifying himself with ham-and-eggs before airing to Chicago... Jan Garner, Los Angeles-San Francisco air Commuter. Sky Room diners, sightseeing “Skyliners,” hosted by manager Denton Floyd.
Crab Louis... fresh Chinook Salmon... caught in Seattle... whisked down by plane.. served for your dinner the same day... it’s practically unbelievable... Just thought of a cute angle... suppose two Washingtonians (a man and a Salmon) were to fly down on the same plane, and meet for the first time at dinner in the Sky Room... It can happen here. 
Exciting... names in the news... Nancy Carroll dining in sky-blue slacks... Bergen and McCarthy cracked-crabbing... George Raft goodbye-in girl friend, Virginia Pine... Priscilla Lane airing to New York for personal appearance... Olivia De Haviland... George Brent... if I were to compile a “Who’s Who,” I would sit in comfort in the Sky Room and catch them at the Port of Hollywood... a Passing Show... all day... every day. 

Left: Union Air Terminal Patio
Below: Terminal by Night