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Another fascinating and inspiring chapter in the Annals of Aviation will be written with the staging of the 1938 National Air Races. Since their inception in Cleveland nine years ago, no effort has been spared to improve the physical and technical aspects for the public's maximum comfort and enjoyment and the industry's development and progress. The National Air Races have instilled in the public consciousness the real significance of the airplane as a means of travel for business and pleasure... and pledge continued support to the practical advancement of commercial aviation. We pay tribute to the Army, Navy and Marine Corps...foreign flyers... and participating pilots whose priceless contributions have made this annual spectacle possible. To the public ... we hope our efforts have met with utmost approval and merit continued confidence and support. The Races are on ... may you long cherish pleasant memories of this year's World's Premier Air Classic.

[[L W Greve]]

Transcription Notes:
[[image of the president]]