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This Page Is Meant for the Motor-Wise


To flying enthusiasts, the heart of performance is the motor.

And to the dyed-in-the-wool motoring enthusiast, the heart of performance is also the motor.

To you critical judges, this page is addressed.

For you, like Packard, know that a motor cannot be measured in terms of size and weight alone. 

The true measure of a motor is what it does and the way it does it. 

You'll like the way Packard power plants do things.

You'll like the quiet, easy way they turn on the power at signal lights when you're out to get away first.

You'll like their power reserve that comes to life on steep pulls when you want power to pass.

You'll like the way they settle down to work at cruising speeds when you want power that whispers. 

You'll like their long life--their freedom from upkeep--their low all-round operating cost. 

Such "stand-out" motors are necessarily the result of the most extensive engine experience in the industry. Packard has built engines from one to twenty-four cylinders..."V" engines, "X" engine, and engines with cylinders-in-line..."record-breaking aircraft and marine engines, and many of these records still stand...and this only begins the record of Packard's 39 years of motor mastery.

If you fly, the chances are that you already own a Packard, for Packard has far more than its share of aviation enthusiasts on its owner list. But if you don't own a Packard now, why not try the one simple thing that is sure to convert you--a trial spin?

There's a new Packard Six or Packard Eight (also known as the Packard 120) waiting for you any time you want to sample Packard performance. Do so...soon...and don't take it for granted that you [[image]] can't afford a Packard. Prices are so low since the Packard Six $100 price reduction that your present car, if of average value, will probably cover or exceed the down payment. See your Packard dealer.