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have budget limitations, and a training program for aviation personnel and a procurement program for equipment must form a backlog upon which they can depend. The facilities provided by the Civil Aeronautics Authority are one of their greatest assets. The Civil Aeronautics Authority has many angles of expansion, each of interest to the American youth, including, gliding and soaring, ground school training in aerodynamics and mechanics, seaplane flying - and promotion depends on them. Our Civil Aeronautics Authority is set up to do a workmanlike job, and budget and personnel should allowed them without stint.
Those are but a few of the factors essential to aeronautic progress. A book could be written on each one of these subjects. The public of the Untied States will back the development of every single thing that I have mentioned if they thoroughly understand the intimate relation which these things have to their daily life in the world of tomorrow. It is inspiring to sense the new spirit which is permutation all of those engaged in the profession of aviation, as well as those who are waiting to hear what it means to them and to their sons and daughters. The President of the United States himself, has stated, 'that hardly another civil activity of our people bears such a direct and intimate relation to the national security as does civil aviation." The presence on this program of such leaders of thought as have addressed us is a challenge and an invitation for us to assume our obligation, not only to prepare aviation for America, but to prepare America for aviation.