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are designed to adapt aviation radio equipment to the field of railroad communications. The result of the joint efforts of the company and the railroads has been the development of a practical and efficient radio system which promises to improve greatly the efficiency and safety of modern railroad transportation.
Naturally all of us at Bendix Radio are extremely proud of our reputation for making only the best in radios. All of us, whether new employees of the company or old, should never lose sight of the fact that even the smallest job is of great significance because the quality that goes into our equipment is built into it at every stage of construction. Let us never for a moment permit our standards to relax.



During the first two months of their employment with the company, all new employees are "on probation." This is a sort of trial period during which you and the company have a chance to size one another up. Do not let this probationary period be a source of worry to you. Keep in mind that your supervisor went through this same period himself and that he is genuinely trying to help you develop into a skilled and finished worker.

Your supervisor is always ready and willing to help you. Part of his job is to see that you are properly instructed and that your questions are answered. When something is bothering you, go and see him, get it "off your chest." If he cannot answer your question or take care of your problem, he will be able to tell you who can help you. Close cooperation with your foreman, assistant foreman or supervisor* at all times will pay you dividends and increased efficiency and satisfaction on the job.

*Group Leaders are not classified as supervisors.