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All employees are subject to a periodic rating by their foreman or supervisors to determine their progress on the job, their need of additional training or the desirability of a transfer, change of rate or promotion.
It is the established policy of the company to promote from within. Promotions are made on the basis of many considerations, important among which are: the amount of progress shown on the present job; length of service with the company; attendance record; evidence of ambition and energy to go ahead; additional training taken; and the like. Promotions are not automatic-you must earn them.
Every new employee is given training on his new job. This training is sometimes done in the classroom and sometimes done right on the job.
However, in addition to this, you may be interested in continuing your training in some special field relating to your job. If so, you can go to the Personnel Department and ask for assistance. The training section of this department may be able to enroll you in one or more of the "opportunity classes" going on right in the plants or refer you to the many free courses conducted by the local schools and colleges. You can also receive assistance if you wish to plan a regular course of study for credit in the local schools or colleges.
A limited number of apprenticeships for skilled trades are provided as one phase of our training program. Written contracts in each case cover such matters as rates, training periods, etc. Apprentice contracts cover three and four year training periods.
The company is aware of the value of your suggestions and you are urged to write down your ideas for improvement of our products, methods of productions, etc., and submit them to our suggestion system. There are conveniently located suggestion boxes where you may secure the proper forms and instructions for submitting your ideas. An award is paid for every accepted suggestion. The amount of the award varies with the value of the suggestion.
If at any time you have a grievance or complaint about your work or any other related matter and for some reason do not get satisfaction from your supervisor, you may then make use of the formal grievance procedure.