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President of the Bendix Aviation Corporation, who has sponsored the Bendix Transcontinental Free-for-all Trophy Race since 1931 to encourage experimental work toward the development of higher cross-country speed and new transcontinental speed records.

Emblematic of Victory in the nation's most spectacular annual aviation event - the Bendix Transcontinental Free-for-all Trophy Race.

1931 WINNER Major James H. Doolittle Los Angeles to Cleveland 9 hrs., 10 min., 21 sec. Los Angeles to New York 11 hours, 16 minutes
1932 WINNER Capt. James H Haizlip Burbank to Cleveland 8 hrs., 19 min., 45 sec. Burbank to New York 10 hrs., 19 min.
1933 WINNER Col. Roscoe Turner New York to Los Angeles 11 hrs., 30 min., 1934 Los Angeles to N.Y. 10 hrs., 2 min., 51 sec.
1934 WINNER Douglas Davis Los Angeles to Cleveland 9 hrs., 26 min., 41 sec.
1935 WINNER Ben O. Howard Los Angeles to Cleveland 8 hrs., 33 min., 16.3 sec.
1936 WINNER Louise Thaden New York to Los Angeles 14 hrs., 54 min., 49 sec.
1937 WINNER Frank Fuller Burbank to Cleveland 7 hrs., 54 min., 26.3 sec. Burbank to Bendix, N.J. 9 hrs., 35 min.

Saturday, September 3, 1938
Vincent Bendix Trophy Race
International Free-for all Transcontinental Speed Dash

VINCENT BENDIX, President of the Bendix Aviation Corporation, is sponsoring the BENDIX TROPHY RACE, a free-for-all transcontinental speed dash, starting at Los Angeles, California and finishing at Cleveland, Ohio, and will award the Vincent Bendix Trophy to the winner.

1. $20,000.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the winners of the first five places on the following basis:
First Place - $9,000.00
Second Place - $5,000.00
Third Place - $3,000.00
Fourth Place - $2,000.00
Fifth place......$1,000.00

2. $5,000.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the pilot, who, after finishing the race at Cleveland, flies on to the Bendix Airport, Bendix, New Jersey, and establishes a new Bendix Transcontinental Record. If more than one pilot breaks the Bendix Transcontinental Record, the $5,000 will be awarded to the pilot with the fastest time between Los Angeles and Bendix Airport, Bendix, New Jersey.

3. $2,500.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the first three pilots who, after finishing the race at Cleveland, fly on to Bendix, New Jersey, and land at the Bendix Airport. Pilots do not have to establish a new transcontinental record to earn the prize money. The $2,500.00 will be divided as follows: $1,000.00 to the pilot making the fastest time between the start at Los Angeles and the finish at Bendix Airport. $800.00 to the pilot making the second fastest time. $700.00 to the pilot making the third fastest time. 

4. $2,500.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the woman pilot making the fastest elapsed time between the starting point at Los Angeles, California, and the finishing point at Cleveland, Ohio.

5. The Bendix Transcontinental Speed Dash offers compensation for all types of airplanes. The contest may be flown either non-stop without refuel, or with refueling in flight, or with refuel landings, at the pilot's option. The shortest elapsed time from the starting point at Los Angeles, California, and the finishing point at Cleveland, Ohio, will be the method of declaring the winner.

6. No Pilot will be permitted to start in the Bendix Trophy Race who has not filed an entry with the Contest Committee at Cleveland before August 25th, 1938. No airplane will be permitted to start which arrives at the starting point less than 24 hours before the start of the race. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THESE RULES.

7. The last pilots' Meeting for the Bendix Trophy Race, at which all contestants must be present, will be held at the starting point at 10 P.M. Friday, September 2, 1938. At this meeting, each pilot will designate the time at which he wishes to take off which may be any time after 12:01 A.M. September 3, 1938. An airplane must arrive at the finish point at Cleveland between 12:00 noon and 6:00 P.M. on September 3rd, to be eligible for the prize money. Each pilot's elapsed time will commence at the time he has designated to start. The Contest Committee for the Bendix Trophy Race shall have the right to change the starting time. 

8. It is recommended by the Contest Committee that airplanes entered in the Bendix Trophy Race be equipped for instrument flight as required by the Department of Commerce Civil Air Regulations and that pilots hold an instrument rating as the Department of Commerce will not permit an airplane not properly equipped, or a pilot without the proper rating to start if the weather is bad.

9. Individual standing starts will be used. The motor or motors may be turning over. Starting time will be taken from the starter's flag.

10. The finish will be timed in flight at the crossing of the Finish Line. In order that the Timers can properly observe the Finish of the Reace, the airplanes must cross the finish line which will be a white line extending at right angles to the grandstand on the flying field, at an altitude of no to exceed 1000 feet and at a distance of not over 1000 feet from the grandstand. If a race or programmed event is in progress at the time the airplane arrives, making it dangerous for the airplane to cross the Finish Line in front of the grandstands, an Alternate Finish Line will be used which will be an imaginary extension of the Finish Line to the rear of the grandstands. Airplanes finding it necessary to use this Alternate Finish Line must fly at an altitude of not to exceed 500 feet and at a distance of not to exceed 1000 feet from the rear of the grandstands. Airplanes that are equipped with radio should endeavor to contact the Cleveland Municipal Airport asking the operator to advise the Timers of their anticipated arrival time. 

11. The right to exclude any entry in this event is vested in the Contest Committee of the National Air Races and will be exercised at the starting point of the Race. The Contest Committee for the Bendix Trophy Race will act for the Contest Committee of the National Air Races in the exercise of this authority.

12. The owner of the winning airplane, or an Aero Club he may designate, will be given possession of the VINCENT BENDIX TROPY for ten months from the date of the Race. The pilot of the winning airplane will be awarded, for permanent possession, a gold replica of the Trophy; the pilot of the airplane winning second place will be awarded, for permanent possession, a silver replica of the Trophy and the pilot of the airplane winning third place will be awarded, for permanent possession, a bronze replica of the Trophy.