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BENDIX Trophy Race
Transcontinental Speed Dash
National Free-for-All—Men and Women Pilots

"J" Division for Service Jet Airplanes
"R" Division for Reciprocating Engine Airplanes
TOTAL PURSE $25,000 and the BENDIX Trophy

Replicas or Medals to "J" Division Winners
Sponsored by Bendix Aviation Corporation

[[Image on the left]]
The Bendix Aviation Corporation under the leadership of Malcolm P. Ferguson, its president, is sponsoring the Bendix Trophy Race, a free-for-all transcontinental speed dash, starting at Van Nuys Field and finishing at Cleveland Municipal Airport, Cleveland, Ohio, and will award the Bendix Trophy to the winner in the "R" Division.

The Bendix Aviation has sponsored this event since 1931. Sponsorship has been predicated encouraging experimental work toward the development of higher cross country speed and new transcontinental speed records.

The Bendix Transcontinental Speed Dash offers competition for all types of air-planes. There will be two divisions—the "J" Division for U.S. Military Jet Air-planes, and the "R" Division for reciprocating engine air-planes. The "R" Division will be limited to 50 starters. There will be no competition between the "J" Division and the "R" Division for the prize money. The contest may be flown either non-stop without refuel, or with refueling in flight, or with refuel landing, at the pilot's option. The shortest elapsed time from the starting point at Van Nuys Field, California, to the finishing point at Cleveland, Ohio, will be the method declaring the winner. An airplane must arrive at the finish point at Cleveland between 12:00 noon and 6:00 P.M. on August 30, 1946, to be eligible for the prize money.

$24,000.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the winners of the first seven places in the "R" Division on the following basis:

1st Place — $10,000.00
2nd Place — $5,500.00
3rd Place — 3,000.00
4th Place — 2,500.00
5th Place — $1,500.00
6th Place — 1,00.00
7th Place — 500.00

$1,000 of the above total purse will be awarded to the first woman pilot making the fastest elapsed time between the starting point at Van Nuys Field, California, and the finishing point at the National Air Races, Cleveland, Ohio.

The owner of the winning airplane in the "R" Division or an Aero Club he may designate, will be given possession of the BENDIX TROPHY for ten months from the date of the Race. The Pilot of the winning airplane in the "R" Division will be awarded, for permanent possession, a gold replica of the Trophy; the pilot of the airplane winning second place in the "R" Division will be awarded, for permanent possession, a silver replica of the Trophy and the Pilot of the airplane winning third place in the "R" Division will be awarded, for permanent possession, a bronze replica of the Trophy.

Service Pilots of the winning airplanes in the "J" Division will be awarded replicas or medals.

[[Image to the right]]

Products for Aircraft

for all type Airplane Tires

for Strut Shock Absorbers and Accumulators
Specially designed and constructed to withstand high air pressures and extreme operating temperatures.
[[Image to the right]]

Triple Duty Fastener
Rivet • Anchor Nut • Screw Lock
— for blind or visible attachment of horizontal stabilizer fillets, nacelle fillets, wing fillets, exhaust tail pipe fairing and shielding, interior upholstery panels, door and window frames, conduit boxes, etc.
[[Image to the right]]

708 EAST 8nd ST. • • CLEVELAND 8, OHIO

1946 NATIONAL AIR RACES                                                 21