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World's High Speed Land Plane Classic
National Free-for-All                  Men Pilots Only
"J" Division for Service Jet Planes
"R" Division for Reciprocating Engine Airplanes
Replicas or medals to "J" Division Winners
Sponsored by Thompson Products, Inc. 
Sponsored by the Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.
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[[Image]] F. C. Crawford 

Thompson Products, Inc., under leadership of Frederick C. Crawford, its president, has carried on the traditional encouragement of speed flying established in 1930 by the late Charles Edwin Thompson, father of America's greatest air racing classic - the Thompson Trophy Race. 
Each year, Thompson Products, Inc., in addition to sponsoring this event and awarding the Thompson Trophy, have posted large cash prizes for the winners. This year, through cooperation of the ALLEGHENY-LUDLUM STEEL CORP., the prize money totals $40,000.00 plus the Allegheny-Ludlum Award.

The airplanes eligible for this event will be the twelve [[bracket]] 12 [[bracket]] airplanes having made the fastest speeds in the qualifying speed trials. 
Distance - 300 miles - 10 laps of the 30-mile rectangular course, for the "R" Division contestants. 
Distance - 210 miles - 7 laps of the 30-mile rectangular course, for the "J" Division contestants. 
The total purse of $40,000.00 will be awarded to the winners of the first seven places in the "R" Division on the following basis:

1st Place - $16,000.00
2nd Place - $8,000.00           5th Place - $2,000.00
3rd Place - 4,500.00            6th Place - 1,500.00
4th Place - 3,000.00            7th Place - 1,000.00

$2,000.00 of the above total purse and the Allegheny-Ludlum Award will be given to the winner in the "R" Division provided his speed exceeds the present National Air Race Record of 283.419 miles per hour.
$2,000.00 of the above total purse will be awarded in lap prizes at the rate of $200.00 per lap to the pilot making the fastest time in each of the 10 laps. 
There will be two divisions - the "J" Division for the U.S. Military Jet airplanes, and the "R" Division for reciprocating engine airplanes. There will be no competition between the "J" Division and the "R" Division for the prize money. Two Distinct races will be held.
The owner of the winning airplane in the "R" Division or an Aero Club he may designate, will be given possession of the Thompson Trophy for ten months from the date of the Race. The pilot of winning airplane in the "R" Division will be awarded, for permanent possession, a Gold Plaque; the pilot of the airplane winning second place in the "R" Division will be awarded, for permanent possession, a Silver Plaque; the pilot of the airplane winning third place in the "R" Division will be awarded, for permanent possession, a Bronze Plaque.

[[Image]] Thompson Trophy

The service pilots of the winning airplanes in the "J" Division will be awarded replicas or medals.

[[Image]] Text on image: All set... ...for safer flying

More than 30,000 lives have been saved with Irvin Air Chutes. Now Irvin offers the sensationally new chair Chute...a chute that makes flying definitely safer...a chute with these important features:
1 SIMPLICITY...You don't need special training to use the Irvin Chair Chute.
2 COMFORT...You never have to "wear" the Chair Chute or put it on...except in an emergency.
3 CONVENIENCE...You don't have to carry the Chair Chute around or store is always in your the back of the chair...ready for instant use.
4 SAFETY...The Chair Chute can be buckled on in a jiffy in an emergency...and you are ready for any eventuality. Lives have already been saved with this chute.

Irvin Chair Chutes are every type of cabin plane...large or small. Organizations and individuals are already ordering Irvin Chair Chutes for company and personal planes. Write at once for full particulars about this new kind of protection for the planes you own or plan to buy.

Feel Safer...with the new Irvin Chair Chute

Irvin Chair Chutes installed in an Ercoupe. The chairs have the same beauty and comfort as deluxe airplane the "built-in" safety of an Irvin chute. Chair chutes do not take up extra space...cost little...require little time to install.

[[Irvin Air Chute logo]]

1670 Jefferson Avenue
Buffalo 8, N.Y.