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Faster in Flight-Faster in Assembly
                   with Speed Nuts
photo of PBD Shooting Star- Courtesy Lockheed 
Aircraft Corporation
Prevent Vibration Loosening.  
Lighter in Weight            
Eliminate Lock Washers
Applied Faster
Cannot Clog With Paint
Reduce Assembly Costs Speed [logo]

Greater speed requires the elimination of unnecessary weight. Lightweight SPEED NUTS aid that objective. Endurance is always increased by cutting down the destructive factor of vibration. SPEED NUTS eliminate loosening from vibration by means of their double, spring-tension lock that absorbs vibration. They even protect plastic and glass against breakage. Any SPEED NUT assembly requires only 3 hand operations instead of the 5 operations necessary with threaded nut and lock washer and they eliminate the wrench. Converting to SPEED NUT assembly means doing it better for less.

Speed [logo] Nuts
MORE THAN 3000  SHAPES AND SIZES trade marke rea U.S. Pat Off.
