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To guard against mistakes or delays, the sender of a message should order it repeated, that is, telegraphed back to the originating office for comparison. For this, one-half the unrepeated message rate is charged in addition. Unless otherwise indicated on its face, this is an unrepeated message and paid for as such, in consideration whereof it is agreed between the sender of the message and this Company as follows:

 1. The Company shall not be liable for mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery, or for non-delivery; of any message received for transmission at the unrepeated-message rate beyond the sum of five hundred dollars; nor for mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery, or for non-delivery, of any message received for transmission at the repeated-message rate beyond the sum of five thousand dollars, unless specially valued; nor in any case for delays arising from unavoidable interruption in the working of its lines.

 2. In any event the Company shall not be liable for damages for mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery, or for the non-delivery, of any message, whether caused by the negligence of its servants or otherwise, beyond the actual loss, not exceeding in any event the sum of five thousand dollars, at which amount the sender of each message represents that the message is valued, unless a greater valye is stated in writing by the sender thereof at the time the message is tendered for transmission, and unless the repeated-message rate is paid or agreed to be paid, and an additional charge equal to one-tenth of one per cent of the amount by which such valuation shall exceed five thousand dollars.

 3. The Company is hereby made the agent of the sender, without liability, to forward this message over the lines of any other company when necessary to reach its destination.

 4. Except as otherwise indicated in connection with the listing of individual places in the filled tariffs of the Company, the amount paid for the transmission of a domestic telegram or an incoming cable or radio message covers its delivery within the following limits: In cities or towns of 5,000 or more inhabitants where the Company has an office which, as shown by the filled tariffs of the Company, is not operated through the agency of a railroad company, within two miles of any open main or branch office of the Company: in cities or towns of 5,000 or more inhabitants where, as shown by the filled tariffs of the Company, the telegraph service is performed through the agency of a railroad company, within one mile of the telegraph office: in cities or towns of less than 5,000 inhabitants in which an office of the Company is located, within one-half mile of the telegraph office. Beyond the limits above specified the Company does not undertake to make delivery, but will endeavor to arrange for delivery as the agent of the sender, with the understanding that the sender authorizes the collection of any additional charge from the addressee and agrees to pay such additional charge if it is not collected from the addressee. There will be no additional charge for deliveries made by telephone within the corporate limits of any city or town in which an office of the Company is located.

 5. No responsibility attaches to this Company concerning messages until the same are accepted at one of its transmitting offices: and if a message is sent to such office by one of the Company's messengers, he acts for that purpose as the agent of the sender.

 6. The Company will not be liable for damages or statutory penalties in the case of any message except an intrastate message in Texas where the claim is not presented in writing to the Company within sixty days after the message is filed with the Company for transmission, and in the case of an intrastate message in Texas the company will not be liable for damages or statutory penalties where the claim is not presented in writing to the Company within ninety-five days after the cause of action, if any, shall have accrued; provided, however, that neither of these conditions shall apply to claims for damages or overcharges within the purview of Section 415 of the Communications Act of 1934.

 7. It is agreed that in any action by the Company to recover the tolls for any message or messages the prompt and correct transmission and delivery thereof shall be presumed, subject to rebuttal by competent evidence.

 8. Special terms governing the transmission of messages according to their classes, as enumerated below, shall apply to messages in each of such respective classes in addition to all the foregoing terms.

 9. No employee of the Company is authorized to vary the foregoing.




 A full-rate expedited service.

 A deferred service at lower than the standard telegram rates.

 Messages sent in sections during the same day.

 Accepted up to 2 A.M. for delivery not earlier than the following morning at rates substantially lower than the standard telegram or day letter rates.


 The standard service, at full rates. Code messages, consisting of 5-letter groups only, at a lower rate.

 Plain-language messages, subject to being defered in favor of full-rate messages.

 Overnight plain-language messages.

 Messages taking precedence over all other messages except government messages.

Transcription Notes:
Is there a way to add underline to those headings at the bottom? You don't have to indicate underlines.