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Lt. Estes
Ext 439-selfridge

March Field, California

13 May 1947
Bendix Aviation Corp
1104 Fisher Bldg.
Detroit 2, Michigan

Dear Sir,
I have made arrangements through higher Headquarters to fly to Detroit. However, due to exigencies of the service,I will only be able to be there between the 24th and 26th of May or 30 May to 1 June.
If either of these periods would coincide with your plans I would appreciate it if you would let me know at your earliest convenience.
I shall send a copy of this letter to the Public Relations Officer at Selfridge Field,Michigan in keeping with the current AAF Policy and I would appreciate it if you would send a copy of your reply there also, as all arrangements concerning service personell must be coordinated through them to AAF Headquarters.

Sincerely yours, 
Leon W.Gray
Colonel, Air Corps

[[written on side]]
[[ Call Allen Gow =
Economic Club =
Monday= 26th
Official Dinner
Dinner Tw. [[?]] To Honor Governor
Book ]]